Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Mama Needed Surprisin'!

Casey and I were MORE than excited when Brian called and said he wanted to do something special....and secretative...for his sweet wife, and our best friend, Leah, for her 30th Birthday! This new mom of twins definitely needs some spoiling, after two months of eating, breathing, sleeping for the two newest additions to the Allen household...and nothing else! So with BA's initiative, we devised a plan!
And last Saturday, we successfully snuck in the front door and shocked the milk...ha! not really...out of the birthday girl! Brian started the clock, and we grabbed some bags and we were out the door, for a quick lunch before checking in at the Battlehouse in Mobile. But FIRST...I had to love on little man Hayes. GOD LOVE THIS FACE.
Oh my, and Mary Miller, does it get any sweeter than this. I think I can speak for Leah when I say, the full night's sleep was good...but it was so good to come back to these angels!!
Ah, massages...just what the doctor ordered. If you havent been to the Battlehouse, go there. Go there now. After being spoiled (or battered and beaten, according to my knotted, stressed out back) with massages, it was off to the rooftop pool for some adult beverages and girl talk. Like all afternoon.
Later it was off to dinner. A precious restaurant called Cortlandt's. Pre-pics outside The Battlehouse. The only time we found it necessary to wear makeup all weekend. :)Ah, dinner. Delish. And after dinner...Cortlandt himself decided to experiment with new beverages with the last table standing (yes, that would be us). Which birthday was it, Leah...30? 21? Does it really matter??
I love these girls, they warm my heart. Like, since the 4th grade. That makes me smile. Even with the mullets and thumb sucking and bubblesuits, ok...and balloon bows. And I'm so happy we could be there to celebrate your birthday with you, Leah. I'm so proud of the mama you are! Oh, and one more thing..."Dontbescared." hehehehe

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