Monday, October 11, 2010

I Don't Wanna Grow Up...I'm a Toys R Us Kid!!

Last Sunday, Haley and I made Tristian's wish come true, with a Toys R Us Shopping Spree!! And we literally shopped til we dropped!
The morning started by meeting Antonio, and his smokin' ride! Haley and I hopped in like we were high cotton, and headed to pick up the little man and his dad!
Tristian's face was priceless when we pulled up in the limo, and as he climbed in he was all smiles!
The limo was filled with balloons, so we stayed very entertained by Tristian and his balloon games during our ride!
Destination #1 was his favorite restuarant for a bite to eat to keep our energy up....McDonalds! And first on the agenda was deciding what toy we wanted in our Happy Meal of course!
Someone LOVES some chicken nuggets!!!
And for dessert, of course Columbus Corner Bakery gave us the most awesome Spiderman cake for our wish day!
NOW...To do some SHOPPING!! When we pulled into the Toys R Us parking lot, we had quite the welcoming committee! Including the ToysRUs mascot, Geoffrey!
And after a little warming up, Geoffrey and Tristian became fast friends!
We then grabbed our custom shopping carts and hit the aisles!!
Tristian kept a VERY serious face on while we went from aisle to aisle, searching out all his heart's desire! "Do you fink dis is too big four me, Daddy? Ow put it in da buggy, otay?" I probably heard is tiny voice say a million times!
I think poor Daddy was thinking a) What in the world is Santa going to be able to bring for Christmas??! and b) Where is Daddy going to put all this stuff!!??
Tristian trying to explain to Miss Haley what this new toy is.
This is probably my favorite moment of the whole day. Geoffrey came to check on Tristian, and Tristian said "Here Geoffreee, can you put dis in my buggy, pweeese?"
G leaning down with his helpless giant webbed hands to take that toy from my little wish angel, them being head to head, melts my heart. Tristian just needed help, plain and simple. The guy inside that suit probably has no idea what his 10ft tall sweaty self means to Tristian, and how much that kid thinks he's just made a new best friend with. Or maybe he's tearing up inside there. I dont know. But it makes me cry when I replay him taking that toy, or when he'd walk around the corner, and I'd hear that squeaky voice say, "Oh dere you are, Geoffrreeee. Hi!"
Makes this job so dadgum rewarding. The reality is, yes, I'm working with sick kids. Some get better, some dont. But it's my job that for that shopping spree day, or for that trip we plan for them, or that playhouse we build them, etc. to make them forget it. For that special moment. To make them forget, their moms and dads, theirs sisters and brothers. And just make a wish come true. It usually turns out really easy.
After a really long day of mcnuggets, cake, and chasing Tristian and a giraffe, we could barely keep him in the buggy as we checked out!
After one more limo ride home, and playing transformers during the ride, we unloaded, and left Daddy and Tristian and LOTS of batteries to start playing!!
Happy WISH Day, Tristian!!!! We love you, little man!!


  1. I tear up everytime I read your "wish" posts. I love it though, makes my heart smile!!

  2. Jennifer, you rock. You are one of the most selfless people I know. I am so proud to be your friend! Keep making those wishes come true!
