Last week was full of wishes, which make my heart full! First off was getting a little bag of goodies together for a precious girl I've had the privilege of meeting....
When I met Crystal and asked what her biggest wish in the whole wide world would be she said "I want to meet Ms. Brenda." This one I hadn't heard, yall. So her Grandma elaborated. And melted my heart. Ms. Brenda has a Christian tv show called "Kids Time" that Crystal watches every week. I asked Crystal what she loves so much about Ms. Brenda and Kids Time, and what she'd like to do if she met her, and she so innocently replied "I want to read Bible verses with her and pet her dog." Gimme a break. What an angel!
So that's what Crystal is doing. Yesterday she and her family flew to St. Louis where Kids Time is taped. She will stay on the Studio Campus, Ms. Brenda is taking them to her favorite restaurant one night for a one-on-one dinner (Surprise!), she will not only meet her on set but be part of a recorded show (Surprise!), read Bible verses, and I bet she'll even get to pet that dog! Ms. Brenda is so excited to meet her too, and has a costume made especially for her. I cannot wait for them to get home and tell us all about it. Ms. Brenda just might be my new favorite celebrity wish!
Best "wishes" sweet Crystal! You have no idea how much you light up a room, and always will!
Next wish on the agenda for the week was for the older....but still young at heart! My dear PawPaw turned 81, though he's claiming 41 this year! Could he be any more handsome?!
My family spent the day in Montgomery doing major yard work at his house, partly because it needed it, and partly because we want him to stay off the ladders and mower! We hung shutters, trimmed bushes, and planted roses. We were a hot mess by the end of the day, but we had a happy PawPaw and that made all the blood and sweat worth it!
Mama and Daddy brought the coveted coconut cake, his favorite, we sang, and celebrated a man who I am so proud to call my PawPaw.
I hope his birthday WISH came true too, and we have many more celebrations to come! Love you PawPaw! Happy Happy!
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