Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dinner with Friends...Plus a Petting Zoo

Recently the Hetts, who I love to pieces, came to the farm for dinner....but we had a fun afternoon planned first! Brandi and Capp brought their precious son, Cale, out too....who had been told all afternoon about the cows, among other animals, that was waiting for him! So when they arrived we jumped straight on the Kubota! (Correction: Brandi and I hopped in the truck and followed the boys on the Kubota...)
First stop was the barn, where a mama had just given birth a few days ago to twins, which is super rare, so they're here to be watched for a while. Jeff scooped one of the babies up and we all got to pet her! We saw all the chickens and goats and sheep here too, but they're a little to fast for even Jeff to catch I think!
Next up, Brandi taught Cale how to drive a tractor. Okay, maybe not exactly...but she supervised his button-pushing until he found the lock button on the door! We decided to move on at that point!
Next up was good ol' Frank....
I've learned I can get him every time with stale bread. And apparently, so can Brandi. :)
We hit the fields next, right smack in the middle of a bunch of cows, which apparently made the Cale man happy, or silly. Either way, I could eat this little face up!
I think Capp took a few minutes to access all the cow patties and debated whether or not to put the wild man down or not!
I love you, friend! More than all the cow patties at Robinson Farms! (people...that's a LOT!)
With a few leftover pieces of bread, I decided to try my luck with the cows....and one girl took the bait!

With that we loaded up and headed back to the house, and fed the ducks right behind the house. (Georgia ducks, not Oregan ducks...) We jumped on the trampoline for a while, and then washed our hands seventeen times!

We let the beef stay in the fields this time, :) and cooked a delicious dinner of grilled bacon-wrapped scallops, salmon, and tuna.... And after all this fun Buzz Lightyear was some kinda tired! So the baby-whisperer rocked him to sleep by the fire, while Brandi, Capp and I tried out my very first poundcake! (which wasn't half bad!)

I look forward to the next petting zoo/dinner date with yall, we had so much fun! And I know everyone sleep good that night for sure!

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